We were honored to participate in the Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church Groundbreaking Celebration this weekend! BOUDREAUX Project Manager Tiara Williams lined up with our partners at the Church and Construction Dynamics, Inc. to officially kickoff this project’s construction.
With modest and economical design strategies, Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church’s new facilities serve as an inspirational neighborhood center. Seating 700 for worship, growing the music ministry, providing ample church school classrooms, and providing an administrative home for clergy and staff; spaces are efficiently and purposely organized to support the church’s vision of building healthy families, church and community. The entry stained glass window, relocated from the current church lobby, links the tradition of their existing church with the contemporary vibrancy of the new. The site planning allows for future expansion in a cohesive way and the exterior material and color palette complements other buildings on the existing campus.