Wednesday March 4, 2020

Batesburg-Leesburg Master Plan

Nestled in the heart of South Carolina, the twin towns of Batesburg-Leesville are on an exciting journey of revitalization and economic growth, guided by LandPlan Group South. This master plan outlines a path to breathe new life into the historic Haynes Auditorium, enhance the town’s streetscapes, and rejuvenate the local economy.

The master plan aims to provide a clear direction for Batesburg-Leesville’s economic development, streetscape beautification, and explore the potential for the historic Haynes Auditorium’s restoration and repurposing. This initiative is driven by a commitment to ensuring the growth and prosperity of the community over the next five to ten years.

With the emphasis of community involvement, public input sessions were organized and supported by residents and businesses. This allowed a diverse range of voices and ideas to be considered, ensuring that the final recommendations genuinely represented the aspirations and needs of the people of Batesburg-Leesville.

View the 2020 Master Plan and the 2020 Chapin, Swansea, and Batesburg-Leesville Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan here.

A rigorous site analysis was carried out, and existing economic data was evaluated. This data-driven approach provided valuable insights into the town’s strengths and areas that required improvement, forming the foundation for realistic recommendations.

The core of the master plan includes recommendations for the revitalization of Batesburg-Leesville, centered around the enhancement of the existing downtown area and the historic Haynes Auditorium. Here are some key proposals that were made:

  1. Downtown Transformation: The plan recommended the creation of new parks and improved streetscapes to the downtown area, making it more appealing to residents and visitors alike.
  2. Strengthening Connectivity: Attention is placed on connectivity, with a new linear park connecting downtown Batesburg-Leesville to the Haynes Auditorium, promoting tourism and local exploration.
  3. Haynes Auditorium Revival: The historic Haynes Auditorium, with its rich history, has the potential to serve as a cultural and economic driver for Batesburg-Leesville, with the addition of a new courtyard, parking lot, and integration into the town’s cultural fabric.
  4. Economic Prosperity: The enhancement of the downtown area put Batesburg-Leesville in a position to attract new businesses, visitors, and investors, benefiting both the town and its residents.

This blueprint promises a future where Batesburg-Leesville thrives as a cultural and economic hub, deeply connected to its past while embracing the present and the potential of the future.

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