Monday October 14, 2013

Florence Artisan Center Feasibility Study

The Florence Downtown Development Corporation contracted with BOUDREAUX to conduct a feasibility study of 104 West Evans Street in downtown Florence. The feasibility study addressed three major components: 1) an evaluation of the building and recommendations for redevelopment; 2) a study of the local arts market and recommendations for creating a viable artisans center; and 3) a study of funding options based on historic tax credits and recommendations for financing the redevelopment of the building.

The building, formerly known as the Royal Knight Building (c. 1913), is a critically prominent property. This project served as a catalyst for showcasing the value of Florence’s historic properties and the value of collaborative art enterprises.

Teamed with seasoned experts in arts planning and management and historic preservation, ArtsMarket and Robert Lewis, BOUDREAUX provided an extensive architectural evaluation of the building, produced as-built drawings of the building, created a building program, concept drawings and business plan that will support an artisan’s center, and provided a pro forma for redeveloping the building in concert with preservation standards while leveraging new market tax credits and funding for historic properties and renovating historic buildings.

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