Downtown Master Plan | Town of Cheraw, SC
With one of the best preserved historic districts in South Carolina and plentiful natural assets surrounding the Town, town leaders wanted to reestablish downtown as the heart of Cheraw, making revitalization the priority for the next few years, envisioning a connected downtown that takes advantage of its historic, cultural and natural resources. The Town wanted a master plan with actionable steps for redevelopment of downtown.
During the master planning process, the planning team facilitated a charrette and a series of public meetings to listen to residents. Participants, both in person and through the online survey (351 respondents!), shared their love for Cheraw and ideas for her future and were unanimous in wanting a vibrant downtown where they can walk, shop, eat, meet friends, and welcome tourists.
The original intent of the master plan focused on three elements:
- streetscape, connectivity and beautification; and
- key downtown properties and buildings; and
- economic development and implementation framework.
Joined by LandPlan Group South and Fred Delk, the master plan team addressed these elements by identifying three focus areas, providing the framework for project prioritization and implementation. These focus areas are:
- Main Street Program: Fully participate and activate the Main Street Program in Cheraw.
- Market Street redevelopment and recruitment: With the opening of the Springhill Suites Hotel within a year, the Town must do all that it can to ensure Market Street is vibrant, safe and welcoming for hotel guests the day the doors open.
- Rehabilitation and redevelopment of the historic commercial buildings in downtown: The Town needs to educate, promote and create incentives for the reuse and rebirth of these valuable assets. All participants agreed that the condition of the majority of buildings in downtown is contrary to the vision of a revitalized downtown.
The Town began implementation immediately by hosting a historic tax credits workshop for downtown property owners and potential investors. To date, several investors are moving forward with the rehabilitation of downtown buildings.