cultivating relationships
designing inspiring places
enriching communities
  • Clemson University worked with Boudreaux master planners and designers to improve pedestrian traffic building the pedestrian walkway past the famous Memorial Stadium.
  • Clemson University worked with Boudreaux planners to improve pedestrian traffic on game days.
  • Clemson University hired Boudreaux architects to build a student walkway.
  • Clemson University worked with Boudreaux architects to build beautiful pedestrian walkway.
  • Clemson University worked with Columbia, SC Boudreaux architects to design a pedestrian walkway on Highway 93.
  • Boudreaux architects worked with Clemson University to improve pedestrian traffic building a modern walkway.
  • Clemson University hired Boudreaux master planners to improve campus safety with secure walkways to handle student traffic.

Clemson University Hwy 93 Pedestrian Walkway | Clemson, SC

Initiated by an essential need to improve pedestrian safety along the Highway 93 corridor, our team designed a solution that stretches from the Historic Riggs Soccer Field past the tennis courts and intramural fields to the intersection of Williamson Road. The elevated walkway not only provides pedestrians safer passage but also creates a unique plaza overlooking Riggs Field and connects new visitor bleachers for soccer, increasing seating capacity and ADA accessibility while enhancing the atmosphere.

A new entry to the tennis venue was also a part of the athletics portion of the project. The project was partially funded by the City of Clemson and grants from the South Carolina Department of Transportation in addition to Athletics funding.

