University of South Carolina School of Journalism
National Register Historic District
LEED Gold Certification
This renovation and addition encompassed over 56,000 square feet on 1.18 acres of the UofSC campus. A historic building, the greatest challenge in adapting this building to accommodate contemporary building systems was the limited floor-to-floor height. With only 12 feet to work with, we solved this challenge and maximized height through an innovative combination of exposed ceilings, radiant heating panels, acoustical “clouds”, and an access flooring system that houses air and power distribution. The interior spaces maximize flexibility and promote teamwork and creativity throughout. In addition to faculty offices, staff office suites, computer labs, classrooms and collaboration areas, key features of the project include:
• Broadcast Studio, Control Room, and Newsroom
• Photography Studio
• Greenhouse Studio: a glass enclosed broadcast studio located in the adjacent rose garden
• Multimedia labs for creating student work
• Rooftop Garden
• Boutique Auditorium-150 seats
• Two-story atrium lounge with media sculpture
The flexibility in design is achieved through the ability to reconfigure of spaces and furniture (selected by our interior design team).