University of South Carolina School of Law | Columbia, SC
LEED Gold CertificationAt over 188,000 square feet, the School of Law is the focal point for the legal community within South Carolina. The multi-story, state-of-the-art law library is highlighted by a signature reading room overlooking the courtyard campus and includes innovative spaces to establish the UofSC School of Law as a premier program.
Featured Spaces:
• Moot Court Room
• Event Space
• Classrooms
• Library Reading Room
• Faculty and Administrative Offices
• Student Study Areas
• Café
• Internal Courtyard
Beyond its primary mission as the center for education for our state’s future attorneys and legislators, the facility provides a home for legal research, continuing education and public outreach. The entire city block complex was been designed by a team of architects and engineers led by BOUDREAUX and SmithGroupJJR.
2018 AIA Columbia Honor Design Award